Monday, August 3, 2009

First Day of Day Camp

Today was the first day of three concurrent day camps that we were a part of. One was held at the Spring of Life Church and the other two were held at daughter church sites. Things went well at all three sites, and everybody seemed to have a good day. All of us have our certain jobs to do and we are getting to know our Ukrainian brothers and sisters (and each other) more every day. We attempted to start uploading some photos today, but ran out of time and the internet was not working properly. Hopefully tomorrow sometime I can get more photos posted and more information written. Thank You SO MUCH for your continued prayers and support. We appreciate it (and you) more than we can say. This has been (and will continue to be) an amazing experience for us. Just for the record, I have not taken all of the photos that have been posted. Some of them have also been Jared's and Terri's. There are many more pictures that will not get posted before we head home as it takes a long time to get them uploaded. At least we are able to get some photos and information to you while we are here. Please pray for the children that will be coming to our camps tomorrow, that they will see Jesus in us and understand Him more. Pray for our teams that are working together, that we would have unity and one spirit. For those of you who care to hear about it, I have all kinds of personal stories to share from this 9th visit to this very special place. We'll save that for some face to face time, OK? For those of you who know them, I did see Pasha and Tanya the other day, along with their boys. It was good to see them and visit with them, too. Blessings to all of you. Thank You for the comments, too.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for all the wonderful pictures! I wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Annie and Jess (August 7th) and Josiah (the 8th)! What a way to celebrate - a trip to Ukraine! We are continuing to pray for you all and will pray you home on Saturday! A kiss and a hug to Emily :)
    Greta Carlson
